This and that

Books about Bears

The amount of books which is about bears are huge.

Most consists of lots of pics and description of the displayed bears in order to identify manufacturers and maybe year of fabrication and with a variety of makers.

Others - and much fewer - deals with only Steiff animals and/or bears.

Also, there are plenty books with ideas or even patterns to create your own artist bears.

Unfortunately I haven`t yet seen a book with a thorough review of labels and other inserted objects.

The Steiff buttons are well documented but others you may only find a bit here and a bit there.

Maybe one day I should try to get hold of this.....

In the menu at the left there is a link to the books I own myself. 



In the menu to the left I have inserted a few links to teddy bear sites.

I have left out auctions and on-line-shops, and only withtaken a few with an edge.

(and I guess those will expand).